October 26, 2010

Welcome to HK Heaven!

 I love Hello Kitty.

Seriously. I go nuts when I see that oversized pink bow. I've been a fan since I was five years old and joined the "Hello Kitty Fan Club" (they sent me a gift of HK stickers, crayons, or coloring sheets each month).

I'm 27 now, and as I've grown older my love for The Kitty has only grown. As anyone who knows me can attest, she is my FAVORITE THING EVER! (Seriously)

My Halloween costume

If you're a fan of Hello Kitty (or of adorable things in general), you may have heard of a blog called Hello Kitty Hell. The blogger on HKHell is the husband of a woman who has grown into a Hello Kitty fanatic over the years, and he uses the blog as a way to vent about his frustrations with the myriad ways in which Hello Kitty has invaded his life, and the world at large (she's EVERYWHERE!).


A lot of photos of great Hello Kitty items are featured on the blog, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has wished that those who knew about where to get  those items would share them on the site. The blogger himself has stated: "Feel free to contact me at hellokittyhell @ kittyhell.com unless you are going to ask where you can find some Hello Kitty item on this site -- in that case, don't bother because it ain't going to happen."

The Hello Kitty Hell site is geared towards people who dislike HK's presence, not those who adore her. So I've started Hello Kitty Heaven in order to do the opposite! If I know of a particularly wonderful HK item, and I know where to find it (especially for a steal!), this is where I'll share it! I hope others will follow suit.

My new HK computer mouse, found on Ebay for $3!

I'll also use this blog as a place to share other awesome Hello Kitty things of all kind, and I welcome submissions of things you stumble upon yourself.

Let's get adorable!


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